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You Must Confirm Your News Letter Subscription Request

Step 1: Check Your Email!

Look for an email with the Subject Line: Please Confirm Your Email Address

The from line in the email will read: Rene H.
The from email address will be: helper at innersoultech dot com

** It may take a couple of minutes for your email to show up in your inbox. While rare, you may need to check your junk folder for the email.

The email you receive will be very similar to the image on the right side of this page.

Step 2: Confirm you would like my newsletter sent to you, by clicking the Link in the Email.

Please, Click Here To Confirm Your Email Address!

When you receive the email, open it, and click on the confirmation link (example shown above) to quickly confirm your email address.

~Rene H. @ InnerSoulTech!

If you have any questions, or if you don’t receive my email within a few minutes, simply contact me directly!

Important: Please take a moment to add my information your Address Book / Contacts within your email client:

Name: Rene H.
Primary Email: helper at innersoultech dot com
Direct Email: reneh at innersoultech dot com

~ Thanks!

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