Indium, and its role in semiconductors and solar cells, to its use in LCD screens, solders, the medical industry,
and spiritual community, indium’s versatility cannot be overstated!. Dive into the mysteries of this incredible metal!
Indium is one of the rarest minerals on Earth. Due to its almost absence in the food chain, indium has been considered by some,
to be an unnecessary nutrient, Yet some of the most influential physicians from the 20th century, have found evidence to the contrary,
and claim it is 100% vital & essential, due to the heavy biological interactions between indium and ( all human vital organs. )
”Indium is extremely rare! – Because It is never found in food,
water, or in our bodies, after 25 to 30 years of age!”
Indium is a soft silvery metal, that does not dissolve in water at all, until compounded by laboratory personnel.
This 100% natural elemental precious metal, has completely transformative, & critical vital beneficial effects, for human health!
The History & Incredible Research, On Indium!
Dr.Henry Alfred Schroeder, ( 1906 – 1975 ) – Brought Indium to the fore front! – He was an american physician, toxicologist, professor and writer specialized in both essential trace metals in their relation to human health and heavy metals toxicity. He was a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and also served as a Commander in the US navy during world war two. He taught physiology at Dartmouth Medical School and was the author of seven books and hundreds of science papers and abstracts during his life.
Schroeder shared great passion and enthusiasm in his work on minerals. He was a pioneer in the discovery of chromium’s role for human health where he collaborated with Walter Mertz. He also worked on early findings related to Selenium, Vanadium, Manganese and is considered the father of the low sodium diet as he created protocols in relation to vascular diseases and hypertension. Dr. Schroeder has become a world authority in the little known field of the trace elements as they relate to living organisms. Shroeder wrote extensively on heavy metal toxicity, more especially lead, cadmium and mercury. His work played a pivotal role in the decision to remove lead from gasoline in the 1960’s.
The first scientists to do any nutritional studies of indium were Dr. Henry A. Schroeder and assistants Balssa, Mitchner, Kanisawa, Nason and Vinton of Dartmouth University Medical School in 1964 to 1973 who published thirteen studies of indium effects on mice, the main papers propounded in the Journal of Nutrition Vol. 101-10, pages 1431-1438 (1971) entitled “Scandium … Indium in Mice, Effects On Growth & Lifespan ” in the Journal of Nutrition Vol. 104, pages 157-168 (1974); and in the Journal of Nutrition Vol. 106-2, pages 198-203 (1976) entitled “Interactions of Trace Metals In Mouse Tissues.”
These studies proved indium to be non-toxic in thousands of mice experiments, and therefore safe for all mammals including humans if taken by certain methods within appropriate dosage limits.
According to Schroeder, indium helps balancing the endocrine and hormonal system as a whole! – Research suggests Indium to be the mineral of glandular performance. Therefore can influence all the body functions as a whole! – Indium’s daily intake demonstrated significant improvements in memory, libido, weight and blood glucose levels. It has been suggested by Mertz and Schroeder, that indium acts synergically with chromium, and improves absorption of other essential trace elements in the body, such as copper, zinc, manganese and chromium! – Thus enabling them to perform their functions more effectively. – On animals the absorption increase rate ranged from 60% to 694% depending on the observed organs. – A rapid increase in energy and strength is one of the most frequently reported effects, the first signs of improvements in terms of overall well-being generally follow after only 5 to 10 days. Other longer-term effects may include a decrease in the signs of aging!
One Of The Current Theories… Of How Indium Amazingly & Mysteriously Operates!?
Indium is believed to be the mineral of glandular performance. More than 1000 volunteers studied by Dr. George Bonadio and laboratory studies over the last 40 years suggest that indium normalizes the major pituitary-hypothalamus-pineal glands, as well as other endocrine glands and produced hormones including human growth hormones, DHEA, melatonin, steroids and thyroid hormones.
The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, controls the diffusion of growth hormones, the sexual glands and the function of the adrenal glands. Adrenal glands produce sterols such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. These hormones regulate the effects of inflammation as well as pain perception, fatigue and mental alertness.
Balancing the feedback cycle of the HPA complex synchronizes the function and production of at least 31 hormones.
One of the theories about the aging process is that it involves a decrease in the production of certain hormones as we age. Indium seems to act at this point by balancing and synchronizing the HPA complex, the hypothalamus, the pituitary and adrenal glands. Hormones are active in controlling sleep, metabolism, body temperature, appetite, tension, sexual desire and many other essential functions of the body.
Indium could stimulate hormone production at levels comparable to those of youth, acting directly on the major hormone-producing axis, and affecting the various aspects of the aging process – for example, the supply of growth hormones that controls metabolism and affect bone density. Indium could also act positively on the thyroid by attending appropriate hormone levels, resulting in more calories burned and therefore a weight normalization!
What Are Some Of The Spiritual Mystical Properties Of Indium!?
1. ) – High vibrational indium energy, is attuned to the transmutation violet flame, and opens and aligns the soul star and the highest crown chakras!
2. ) – Indium energy, draws cosmic energy into your being, and to Earth!
3. ) – Indium energy may take you into a centered state of “no mind” that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world!
4. ) – Indium is a rare metal that falls at the center of the periodic table and has been used as a homeopathic remedy for many years!
5. ) – Indium may assist with the energetic assimilation of mineral energy, and may be an anti-carcinogenic energy, that brings about optimal metabolic and hormonal energy balance, for optimum spiritual, mental, & emotional well-being!
6. ) – Indium energetically resonates to, and has a powerful energetic regulatory effect on the spiritual pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands!
7. ) – Indium energy, brings about profound spiritual connection and ENERGETIC equilibrium!
8. ) – Indium energy, redraws the etheric blueprint when placed on the Soma Chakra!
9. ) – Indium energy, can stimulate psychic abilities, the third eye and crown chakras and enhance a conscious connection to Innocent Spiritual Love!
10. ) – Indium energy, is an excellent metaphysical tool to aid the intuitive, light workers, shamans, mediums, channels, and readers!
11. ) – Indium stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras activating and linking all mind centers, to work as one, facilitating whole-brain awakening and attain one’s full potential!
12. ) – Indium energy, may open awareness of the “other worlds!”
A living soul is composed of many subtle intricate energy grids that transform, regulate and provide the essential life force energy needed for your own personal existence itself.
Below is a compilation of the ( Subtle Vibrational ~ Non Physical ) energy grids, that this ( PURE IONIC INDIUM – QUANTUM NANO VORTEX ENERGY WATER ) may stimulate. – This is strictly on a non-physical subtle energetic level! – Within the ~ Etheric Energy Grid Meridian System! ~ & (Not the Physical Body.)
This may be experienced, or perceived, as a / non-physical / intangible / non-material / subtle energy / subtle vibration / formless impression, upon your senses. – The following are the energetic ( non physical ) frequencies & ( subtle ) vibrations, that ( INDIUM ) may naturally transmit, emit, radiate, or resonate as. – These are not effects, of our ( PURE INDIUM – QUANTUM NANO VORTEX ENERGY WATER ), upon the human physical body!
– Indium energy, is thought to be helpful in times of change, assisting you in letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you! –
– Indium energy, is thought to be helpful in connecting with divine power from higher realms! –
– Additionally indium energy, it is said to be helpful in accessing past lives and understanding the lessons to be learned from them! –
- Joy
Indium energy, is said to have the energy of hope! – It is thought to help you to see the positive side of any situation and to have faith in the future! - Creativity
Indium energy, is said to be helpful in promoting creativity! – It is thought to help you to see things from a new perspective and to come up with new ideas! - Calming
Indium energy, is said to be a calming energy! – It is thought to help to ease anxiety and stress! – It is also said to be helpful in promoting peace and harmony! - Grounding
Indium energy, is often used for meditation, as it is thought to help one connect with divine energy! – It is also said to be helpful in promoting thought clarity and peace of mind! - Chakra Alignment
Indium energy, is said to be helpful in cleansing and balancing the chakras! – They are thought to help to remove blockages and align the chakras! - Protection
Indium energy, is also said to offer protection from negative energy! – It is thought to create a barrier around the user, deflecting negativity! - Past Life
Indium energy, is also said to be helpful in accessing past lives! – It is thought to help you to remember your past lives and to understand the lessons to be learned from them! - Spiritual Realms
Indium energy, is also said to be helpful in connecting with the spiritual realm! – It is thought to help you to communicate with your spirit guides and angels!
According to tests, the beneficial effects of indium can occur quickly!
– Improved sleep! ~ After 15 days
– Feeling of well-being! ~ After 1 week
– Better physical resistance! ~ After 2 weeks
– Normalized blood glucose! ~ After 3-5 weeks
– Normalization of libido! ~ After 4 weeks
– Regularized blood pressure! ~ After 10 weeks
– Normalization of menstruation! ~ After 3 months
If indium had only ( some ) of the properties that it already has, it would already be an exceptional natural nutritional element!
More than 1000 volunteers studied by Dr. George Bonadio and
laboratory studies over the last 40 years suggest that indium
normalizes the major pituitary-hypothalamus-pineal glands, as well
as other endocrine glands and produced hormones including human
growth hormones, DHEA, melatonin, steroids and thyroid hormones!
Research suggests Indium to be the mineral of glandular
performance! – Therefore ( INDIUM ) can influence all the body
functions as a whole!
INDIUM – Vibrational / Subtle Energy! – Metaphysical Properties!
• Eye Sight
• Memory
• Sexual Vigor
• Blood Pressure
• Hair & Nails
• Enhancement Of Senses
• Pain Reduction
• Cancer
• Body Weight & Fat
• Anti-Aging
• Endurance
• Longevity
• Hormone Balance
• Glands
• Mind Concentration
• Athletic Performance
• Well Being
• Neuro-Genisis
• Nutrient Absorption
This Product Is: – 100% Non-Toxic! – Extremely High Purity! – & – Is Infused, With Pure Quantum Spiritual Electrical Life Force Energy!
These Powerful “Quantum Nano Vortex Ionic Energy Potions! / Waters! ” – Are Ideal, For The Following Uses:
1.) Meditation Purposes.
2.) Religious Prayer Purposes.
3.) Inner Mind Research & Experimental Purposes.
4.) Subtle Energy Exploration.
5.) Vibrational Resonance Tests.
6.) Quantum Energy Transfer Experiments.
7.) Put In Spray Bottle… & Spray Around A Room… To Clear Negative Energies! / or / Clearing Negative Locations!
1) What if I spray the liquid around my room, and some of spray gets into my mouth, nose, or lands into my beverage, or food!? – If it happens by accident!? – No problem, our products are 100% non-toxic! – Only (2) two, 100% natural ingredients! – Our 100% triple filtered, quantum energized, steam distilled water! – & – Our Pure Natural Raw Minerals, expertly dissolved, into the triple filtered, quantum enhanced, steam distilled water!… on a ( nano ~ ionic ) or ( colloidal ) scale, of size! – Always consult an honest & integrious, personal wellness consultant / professional, for any health concerns.
2.) This product is not intended to be ingested, or to treat or diagnose, any medial condition, illness, or disease, within the human physical body. – Our products should be used as tools intended to assist you, in your own personal journey, into self-exploration. – These Quantum vortex liquid mineral solutions are non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-irritating, non-inflammatory, and non-explosive. – Indium may not part of the authorized, 100% natural minerals, for human consumption. Inner Soul Technologies, Quantum vortex liquid minerals and trace-minerals are experimental solutions, are not recommended for consumption. The buyer agrees to be of a sane, responsible, accountable, & honest state of cognition, at the time of purchase. Any information presented within this website, is not intended to be construed, or interpreted, as medical advice, or a medical diagnosis, in any way. – All information on this website, is intended to used for scientific, research, educational, & personal ( responsible ) spiritual self exploration, purposes.
3.) 100% refund or credit, on any unopened bottle, that is returned back to us… if you contact us, within 30 days of receiving product, for refund or return, instructions!
4.) ( INTERNATIONAL ORDERS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA! ) – Shipping our ( quantum vortex energy waters ) to International locations, outside of North America!? – Will Incur, an additional shipping expense, this is due to the heavier weight of the product. – When an international customer, makes a ( quantum vortex energy water ) purchase? – You will be contacted within 72 hours, by telephone or email, with an additional shipping price quote! – If you reply & accept, the quoted shipping price? … Then we send you an additional invoice bill for shipping, and then send your package safely & securely, with a tracking number! – If you feel the shipping, is too expensive to ship to you internationally?… Then we can simply cancel and refund your order, of the ( quantum vortex energy waters ) no worries! – no judgment! – & – no problem at all! – Alternatively! – You can email us… or telephone call us, before you place an order… and ask us for a shipping quote, if you live outside of north america, and would like to our quantum nano vortex waters – Please include your full mailing address & the amount of quantum water bottles you are interested in, when asking us for a quote! – Thank you!
6.) What type of containers / bottles / are your ( quantum vortex energy waters ) shipped in!? – They are shipped in a pharmaceutical / laboratory grade / non-leaching HDPE plastic bottle, that is far more durable & ( shatter proof ) than a glass bottle!…. It is also significantly lighter in weight, and 100% ( will not leach or bleed ) into your energetically powerfully pure liquid elixirs!
7.) Can I purchase a variety of your ( quantum vortex energy water formulas )… &… can i combine them, & mix them together, when I receive them!? – Or – Do I have to use each formula, or mineral bottle, separately!? – Yes you can purchase multiple bottles, & combine them together! – You can experiment with combining the quantum vortex waters, to observe different & unique, energetic perceptions!
8.) If You Purchase Our ( Pure Ionic Silver ) Quantun Nano Vortex Energy Water!? – You can choose a custom “ppm” ( parts per million ) if you want! – Choose from: 2 ppm to 30 ppm – Just message us, ( before or after ) you purchase, to let us know what ppm you want! – Otherwise, we will send our default… which is approximately “10 ppm” ( 10 parts per million ) – This PPM customization option, is only available, with our ( Pure Ionic Silver ) Quantum Nano Vortex Energy Water!
9.) When Will My Quantum Nano Vortex Energy Water Ship Out? – We Make Our Quantum Energy Water In Very Small Batches, As To Better Manage Quality! & Product Integrity! – Thus Orders ( Typically Ship Out Within 1 day to 7 days ) … depending on product availability! – With the exception of our Pure Elite Shungite Water, which takes approximately ( 80 times – 100 times ) longer in time, to make one single batch!… Than it does to make, any of our other quantum nano vortex energy waters! – Thus New Supplies, Of Our Pure Elite Shungite Quantum Nano Vortex Water, Are Always Extremely Limited! – So Make Sure, To Take Note Of That! – & – You May Go On A Waiting List!
Graphic Illustration of Quantum Vortex
The Quantum Energy Power Pendants manifest an inter-dimensional vortex around the human body, allowing the body, mind, emotions and soul to operate with greater harmony.
Who Invented The Quantum Energy Vortex Technology & Pendants?
The Quantum Vortex Energy Power Pendants are designed and created by Rene Hamilton / Power Of Soul / Starchild. - Whom is the creator of the “Quantum Nano Vortex Technology”. Being a mystical artist, entrepreneur, visionary, inventor, life coach, clairvoyant, and medical intuitive, the Quantum Vortex Energy Power Pendants incorporate, Sacred Geometry, Intuitive Visions, Holographic, Quantum Nano & Quantum Vortex Technology.How do the Quantum Vortex Power Pendants Work?
The Pendants establish a direct inter-dimensional link or gateway to Infinite Pure Electrical Life Force Creative Energy. This energy that comes through, completely envelopes your aura and immediately modifies the flow, intensity and quality of the universal life force that nourishes your entire being. The pendants do not contain any magnets, microchips or miniature batteries. The Pendants are powered by our exclusive "Quantum Nano Vortex Technology". When wearing any of the pendants, the flow of atoms in your body will immediately be re-arranged to resonate or vibrate at a particular energetic field, level of consciousness or dimension from which the particular pendant you are wearing is resonating at via a "Holographic Quantum Vortex". This will have immediate effects on many subtle energetic levels within your whole being, as well as expanding the amount and quality of pure positive life force that moves through you and becomes a part of your entire reality.What Are The Quantum Vortex Power Pendants Made Out Of?
All Of Our Pendants Are... HAND MADE.... One By One, Per Order!.. Directly By Rene Hamilton / Power Of Soul / Star Child. - Our Pendants Are Made With A Special Holographic Polymer Resin, And Energized Within Our Quantum Energy Chamber! - Our Pendants... Do Not Contain Any Crystals, Batteries, Microchips, Magnets, Or, Electrical Circuits. - Our Pendants Are ( Permanently ) Self Powered, By The Quantum Electrical Life Force, Of The Universe Itself! - Our Pendants Do Not Need Any Re-Charging! / Re-Energizing! - Our Pendants Are 100% Water Proof... With The Exception Of The Pendants, That Have Diodes Upon Them! - These Pendants Are Still Water Proof... However The Pendants That Have The Diodes Attached To Them? - One must limit the exposure and frequency to water interaction, or high water pressure, as to not erode the adhesive, that attaches the diode/s. - The pendants that have a smooth surface, and do not have any diodes? - Are 100% water proof, and extremely durable! - Our pendants often have immediate effects on many subtle energetic levels within your whole being, as well as expanding the amount and quality of pure positive life force that moves through you and becomes a part of your entire reality.What Size Are The Quantum Vortex Power Pendants?
Most of the full size quantum pendants are approx 1.75 inches in diameter, & approx 0.25 inch thick. The smaller size pendants are approx 1.25 inches in diameter, & approx 0.25 inch thick.Is It Safe To Wear More Than One Pendant At The Same Time?
Yes wearing more than one pendant, may give you added benefits!What are some other uses, for Quantum Vortex Energy Power Pendants?
Simply wave your pendant over your plate of food to bless, energize, and neutralize dis-harmonic energies from your meal! Simply touch pendant to the side of any beverage, to bless, energize, and neutralize dis-harmonic negative energies. Place pendant on any sore area, wound, or area of pain / discomfort on your body, it may help!What are the Quantum Vortex Energy Power Pendants?
The Quantum Vortex Energy Power Pendants contain a revolutionary new quantum technology that has a direct effect on the physiological, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a human being. All of the pendants provide measurable protection on a subtle energetic level from harmful cell phone, television, wireless, microwave, radio , scalar, electrical and computer EMF's, which threaten to disrupt our bodies natural biological processes and impact our very own well being. - And In Addition... Each pendant has its own special unique energies, functions and properties that no other pendants in the World have. - With This Technology Applied To Our Pendants, Each Pendant Extracts, Focuses, And Amplifies, Pure Electrical Subtle Positive Life Force Energies! ~ Directly Into The User, And Sometimes Even Those Standing Close To The Pendant! ~ Our Pendants Are Literally Comparable To Miniature Radio Stations, Radiating Pure Positive Life Force Energy, And Transmitting To The Immediate Inner & Outer Environment! ~ Powered Indefinitely By Our Exclusive” Quantum Nano Plasma Holographic Vortex Technology!”.What is a Quantum Vortex?
A Worm Hole is a link or gateway between two different points within the same dimension. A Quantum Vortex is a link or gateway between two different dimensions.- Please read the F.A.Q. and Store Policies for general questions and answers.
- Legal Disclaimer: Inner Soul Technologies Products are not intended to cure, or treat any illness or condition. You do not eat or consume these Products. Our Products should be used as tools intended to assist you in your own personal journey into self-exploration.
- Shipping Details: Shipping, handling, packing and processing is ( Included! / Free! ) with your Purchase, Within North America! ( Tracking Number Also Provided! ) - International Orders Include Free Tracked Shipping, On Orders $100 Or More! - If The Order Is Less Than $100? ... We may, kindly request an additional small shipping fee, to cover the extra International shipping costs.
- These Products are made and ship from Western Canada. - All products are Valued in U.S.A. currency.
- Need Help? Contact Customer Care.
The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee is Inner Soul Technologies way of ensuring your complete and total satisfaction with all of our products! – If you need an extra 15 days to evaluate a product a little longer! – Just get in touch with us, and let us know. – As we appreciate you, our valued friends!
Once you receive your product(s) if you are not fully satisfied with the product(s) then let us know within 30 calendar days and we will give you a full refund of your purchase total! – This 30-Day Money Back Guarantee excludes ( Any Manifestation Amplifier Plates / & / Any Version Of The Advanced Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plates / All Sales Are Final For Those Two Category Of Items. ). This is due to the highly experimental nature of the “Advanced Quantum Matrix Manifestation Plate!” – In addition to this, all ” ( Large Size ) quantum energy power plate” returns, will endure a 30% of the purchase value “re-stocking fee.” – All other products returned safely & un-damaged, will receive a 100% full product value refund! – We are fully confident that once you have evaluated and used our product(s), you will make it a permanent addition to your life!
However if within 30-Days you decide the product isn’t right for you, you don’t ‘feel’ that the product(s) work, or if for any reason you aren’t fully satisfied then simply contacting us to start the return process. At this time we will promptly reply back with instructions and details on returning the product and returning you your purchase value. – If you need an extra 15 days to evaluate a product a little longer! – Just get in touch with us, and let us know! – We appreciate your interest in our energy wellness products!